Subject: Status report on Navi-Hitachi port for AGL.
Author: (Manuel Bachmann, Stéphane Desneux)
Date: 15-jun-2016

Navi successfully runs under AGL/Porter, nevertheless few tweaks remain mandatory

- build process (Eclipse + GNU make) was not adapted to cross-compilation ;
- final application window was invisible, due to the the EGL/GLES redrawing logic.

- customize the build process to successfully work on the AGL SDK Docker image we published (see [1]) ;
- writing a patch changing the EGL redrawing logic, allowing us to pass additional parameter to the command line, fixing rendering on Porter.

 - A binary RPM package for Porter was built on top of the SDK
 - Verified working from AGL Albacore 1.0 release to today snapshot
 - All files, including RPM package and README.txt instructions, are now available on [2].

NOTES on current version
Map Path
 - Path to NAVI maps is hardcoded at compilation time. 
 - No error message is displayed when maps are missing.
 - Having this as a parameter/configuration and related error messages could surely be feasible.

Map Format
 - maps format is not specified.
 - Over 1 Gb minimal map data may cause problem for quick demonstrations.
 - Supporting of OpenStreetMap would help shipping demos. Alternatively a very minimal map (such as "Tokyo Akihabara") could do the job.
 - hardware GPS interface is -apparently- not documented, and we could not figure how to configure it.

General comments
 - Code is very clean, but unfortunately all comments are in Japanese and "google translate" is not of any help.
 - Would need configuration file for option like GPS device, Map Path, etc...

Remains to be done
 - Have a clean makefile to build without pain directly on AGL SDK (from source code to binary RPM)
 - Find a solution to support OpenStreetMap in order people to easily run demos
 - Integration with GPS and more generally geopositionning services.
 - etc...

Not checked
 - separation of background processes (map processing, routing, POI, ...) and UI to support remote display, HTML5,... 


[1] :
[2] :