Inside an AGL docker container use the facility tool prepare_meta
to set up your Yocto layers:
prepare_meta -f chromium -o /xdt -l /home/devel/mirror -t qemux86-64 -e rm_work -e wipeconfig -e cleartemp
Source the generated Yocto environment file and launch the chromium build:
. /xdt/build/qemux86-64/agl-init-build-env
bitbake chromium-ozone-wayland
RPMs are then located in /xdt/build/m3ulcb/tmp/deploy/rpms
It's also possible to create an AGL image with Chromium preinstalled:
bitbake agl-demo-platform
The result is located in /xdt/build/m3ulcb/tmp/deploy/images/m3ulcb