Run Chromium on AGL/M3

Runtime setup

When board starts, you should see the usual AGL homescreen base on IVI-Shell extension.

But Chromium is not compatible with this extension so we have to revert to a more usual protocol (XDG-Shell).

Boot the board and execute the following commands from the target console:

root@m3ulcb:~# sed -i "s/ivi-shell/desktop-shell/g" /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini

root@m3ulcb:~# for svr in HomeScreenAppFrameworkBinderAGL.service HomeScreen WindowManager.service; do systemctl --user stop $svr; systemctl --user disable $svr; done

root@m3ulcb:~# systemctl restart weston

Start chrome

From the target console enter the following command to open chromium application:

/usr/bin/google-chrome --mus --touch-events=enabled --ozone-platform=wayland --no-sandbox --enable-wayland-ime --use-ime-service