Booting AGL images from SDCard


Here are the commands to run on a Linux host to create a bootable SDcard from a full image file and boot a Renesas R-Car Gen3 board (Starter Kit Pro / M3ULCB).


TLDR; quick instructions

Bmap-tools is a generic tool for creating the block map (bmap) from a sparse file and copy a raw image using the block map. The idea is that large files, like raw system image files, can be copied or flashed a lot faster and more reliably with bmaptool than with traditional tools, like "dd" or "cp".

Bmap-tools sources are available on github:intel/bmap-tools. Full documentation is also available (a bit old, but still relevant).

Note: Even if Bmap-tools is not strictly required for operation, it's highly recommended. You can still skip this section if you do not wish to install bmap-tools or don't find any package for it.

RPM-based distribution

Bmap-tools is available as a noarch package here: bmap-tools-3.3-1.17.1.noarch.rpm

For example, on Opensuse 42.X:

sudo zypper in

Debian-based distribution (inc. Ubuntu)

bmap-tool is available in Debian distribution (not tested).

sudo apt-get install bmap-tools

Download AGL image and bmap file

Download the image and the associated bmap file:

Write a SDcard

  1. Insert a SDcard (minimum 2GB)

  2. Find the removable device for your card:

    The following commands which lists all removable disks can help to find the information:

    $ lsblk -dli -o NAME,TYPE,HOTPLUG | grep "disk\s+1$"
    sdk  disk       1

    Here, the device we'll use is /dev/sdk.

    Alternatively, a look at the kernel log will help:

    $ dmesg | tail -50
    [710812.225836] sd 18:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg12 type 0
    [710812.441406] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] 31268864 512-byte logical blocks: (16.0 GB/14.9 GiB)
    [710812.442016] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] Write Protect is off
    [710812.442019] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] Mode Sense: 03 00 00 00
    [710812.442642] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] No Caching mode page found
    [710812.442644] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] Assuming drive cache: write through
    [710812.446794]  sdk: sdk1
    [710812.450905] sd 18:0:0:0: [sdk] Attached SCSI removable disk

    For the rest of these instructions, we assume that the variable $DEVICE contains the name of the device to write to (/dev/sd? or /dev/mmcblk?). Export the variable:

    export DEVICE=/dev/[replace-by-your-device-name]
  3. If the card is mounted automatically, unmount it through desktop helper or directly wih the command line:

    sudo umount ${DEVICE}*
  4. Write onto SDcard

    Using bmap-tools:

    $ sudo bmaptool copy *.wic.xz $DEVICE
    bmaptool: info: discovered bmap file 'XXXXXXXXX.wic.bmap'
    bmaptool: info: block map format version 2.0
    bmaptool: info: 524288 blocks of size 4096 (2.0 GiB), mapped 364283 blocks (1.4 GiB or 69.5%)
    bmaptool: info: copying image 'XXXXXXXX.wic.xz' to block device '/dev/sdk' using bmap file 'XXXXXXXX.wic.bmap'
    bmaptool: info: 100% copied
    bmaptool: info: synchronizing '/dev/sdk'
    bmaptool: info: copying time: 4m 26.9s, copying speed 5.3 MiB/sec

    Using standard dd command (more dangerous):

    xz -cd *.wic.xz | sudo dd of=$DEVICE bs=4M; sync

Upgrade M3 to latest Firmware

To support the Kingfisher board, it's necessary to upgrade the M3 to a recent firmware.

The procedure to upgrade the M3 board is documented on the M3SK page on has tested successfully the following procedure using ''minicom'':

  1. Download each files from the firmware directory and put them in a directory of your choice
  2. Open a terminal
  3. 'cd' to the directory chosen in 1.
  4. run 'minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0' (adjust the serial port device if needed, add permissions on device if needed)
  5. BE REALLY CAREFULL ON THIS STEP: Follow instructions from for M3SK
  6. Reboot the board

After a successful flashing, the following versions (or later) should be available on the console boot log:

[ 0.000193] NOTICE: BL2: R-Car Gen3 Initial Program Loader(CA57) Rev.1.0.16
[ 0.005757] NOTICE: BL2: PRR is R-Car M3 Ver1.0
[ 0.010339] NOTICE: BL2: Board is Starter Kit Rev1.0
[ 0.015366] NOTICE: BL2: Boot device is HyperFlash(80MHz)
[ 0.020792] NOTICE: BL2: LCM state is CM
[ 0.024833] NOTICE: BL2: AVS setting succeeded. DVFS_SetVID=0x53
[ 0.030814] NOTICE: BL2: DDR3200(rev.0.27)NOTICE: [COLD_BOOT]NOTICE: ..0
[ 0.054032] NOTICE: BL2: DRAM Split is 2ch
[ 0.057917] NOTICE: BL2: QoS is default setting(rev.0.19)
[ 0.063415] NOTICE: BL2: Lossy Decomp areas
[ 0.067594] NOTICE: Entry 0: DCMPAREACRAx:0x80000540 DCMPAREACRBx:0x570
[ 0.074679] NOTICE: Entry 1: DCMPAREACRAx:0x40000000 DCMPAREACRBx:0x0
[ 0.081591] NOTICE: Entry 2: DCMPAREACRAx:0x20000000 DCMPAREACRBx:0x0
[ 0.088506] NOTICE: BL2: v1.3(release):b330e0e
[ 0.092995] NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:53:12, Dec 22 2017
[ 0.098183] NOTICE: BL2: Normal boot
[ 0.101824] NOTICE: BL2: dst=0xe631f208 src=0x8180000 len=512(0x200)
[ 0.108373] NOTICE: BL2: dst=0x43f00000 src=0x8180400 len=6144(0x1800)
[ 0.114832] NOTICE: BL2: dst=0x44000000 src=0x81c0000 len=65536(0x10000)
[ 0.122057] NOTICE: BL2: dst=0x44100000 src=0x8200000 len=524288(0x80000)
[ 0.132536] NOTICE: BL2: dst=0x50000000 src=0x8640000 len=1048576(0x100000)

U-Boot 2015.04 (Dec 22 2017 - 09:53:06)

CPU: Renesas Electronics R8A7796 rev 1.0 
Board: M3ULCB 
I2C: ready 
DRAM: 1.9 GiB 

Flash: 64 MiB 

MMC: sh-sdhi: 0, sh-sdhi: 1 
In: serial 
Out: serial 
Err: serial 

Next step is to configure uboot properly.

Configure M3 board for boot on SDcard

If not already done, you'll have to configure Uboot parameters.

  1. Connect serial console on M3 board and start a terminal emulator on the USB serial port. Here, we use 'screen' on device /dev/ttyUSB0 but you could use any terminal emulator able to open the serial port at 115200 bauds (minicom , picocom ...)

    screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
  2. Power up the board

  3. Break at uboot prompt (press any key)

  4. Set the following uboot variables:

    WARNING: don't make a big copy/paste or some garbage characters may be sent to the console (issue with usb/serial port buffering?). Instead, copy one or two lines at a time.

    env default -a
    setenv board m3ulcb
    setenv socnum r8a7796
    setenv bootmmc '0:1'
    setenv set_bootkfile 'setenv bootkfile Image'
    setenv bootkaddr 0x48080000
    setenv set_bootdfile 'setenv bootdfile devicetree-Image-${socnum}-${board}.dtb'
    setenv bootdaddr 0x48000000
    setenv bootargs_console 'console=ttySC0,115200 ignore_loglevel'
    setenv bootargs_video 'vmalloc=384M video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080-32@60'
    setenv bootargs_extra 'rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait rootdelay=2'
    setenv bootkload_sd 'ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootkaddr} boot/${bootkfile}'
    setenv bootdload_sd 'ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootdaddr} boot/${bootdfile}'
    setenv bootargs_root_sd 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p1'
    setenv bootload_sd 'run set_bootkfile; run bootkload_sd; run set_bootdfile; run bootdload_sd'
    setenv bootcmd 'setenv bootargs ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} ${bootargs_root_sd} ${bootargs_extra}; run bootload_sd; booti ${bootkaddr} - ${bootdaddr}'

    Then save environment in NV flash:


Boot the board

At uboot prompt, type:

run bootcmd

Alternatively, simply reset the board.

NOTE: Due to initial operations, first AGL boot can take longer (a few mintutes) than next ones.