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Stéphane Desneux
AGL All Member Meeting
July 15th, 2020
Boost AGL Application Framework performance by 10+ investigated on lazy object synchronization techniques combined with an appropriate serialization format and shows that performance can be improved by a ratio from 10 to 100 depending on use cases. This benefits to low-latency and/or high-throughput applications: High frequency sensors, fast CAN messaging, realtime applications, ...
Changing serialization format may provide a performance gain from 20% to 50%. To go further, the only solution is to reduce drastically the number of (de)serializations. This can be achieved by adopting a dual internal and external representation for objects coupled with new transport mechanisms between bindings.
This talk presents the benchmark results obtained by our team and proposes new ways to boost performance in the AGL Application Framework, including a new binding API v4 compatible with current API v3.
Slides: [click here]
Video: [click here]