Cybersecurity & Open Source Software
We help you solve the growing complexity of your IoT Linux-based projects

AGL - Dusseldorf
November 10th, 2017
Cybersecurity a fundamental challenge for connected cars
Automotive software has traditionally focus on safety. Nevertheless with the arrival of connected car cybersecurity is becoming every day more and more critical. On one hand we have to enable and secure dedicated cloud automotive services such as: data analytic, telematics, car sharing, traffic optimisation, etc... On the other hand customers expect their navigation system to update automatically, they want a smooth access to existing well known services as Spotify, Facebook or Traffic Info and find natural to stream their preferred music/news in their car like they already do everyday on their smart phone. Last but not least users expect their private data to remain private.
This talk explains how AGL(Automotive Grade Linux) implements cybersecurity both inside the car to protect applications and services, and outside the car to enable V2C(Vehicle to Cloud) access to non automotive Internet services.
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