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Automotive Linux Summit
July 17th, 2019
AGL-Supervision : From AGL Supervisor to platform global data collection
This presentation was given at Automotive Linux Summit in Tokyo.
AGL natively supports secure micro-services through its Application Framework binder/binding mechanism. A ready to go system may easily run tens or hundreds of micro-services. Consequently monitoring exchanges between binders/bindings is critical. Monitoring may need to be “realtime” to help debugging, or offline when tracking global performances and security issues.
This talk starts by presenting current AGL Application Framework monitoring capabilities to track basic inter-bindings communications. It then exposes how existing supervision service can be used to analyze end-to-end transactions when crossing multiple bindings. Finally it illustrates how AGL supervision can leverage Time Serie Database to collect data, allowing monitoring frameworks like Grafana to render a global vision of the system both in term of performance and cybersecurity.
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