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Fulup Le Foll
Automotive Linux Summit
July 17th, 2019
AGL-µBinder : a fast, secure and seamless option to connect AGL to small ECUs?
This presentation was given at Automotive Linux Submit in Tokyo.
In order to embrace the global automotive ecosystem, AGL micro-services architecture should support not only all Linux in a car, but also seamlessly retrieve data from small ECUs and securely send collected information to the cloud.
Because of existing application framework dependencies, as today, AGL bindings run only on Linux. In order to extend to global automotive ecosystem, AGL’s binders/bindings architecture needs to be reviewed. On one hand, remove Linux’s systemD dependencies and extend security model. On a second hand, support ‘alien’ transport protocols including non TCP/IP ones.
This talk presents the lesson learned from a POC to run a subset of current AGL binder onto a micro-controller with Zephyr. How to solve binder/binding dependencies, how to map the transport onto a non TCP/IP link, how to extend AGL security model, ...
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